Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness Review

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013 | 15.06

It has been a decade since the original Disgaea graced the gaming world and turned the strategy role-playing game genre upside down. While numerous sequels have introduced different casts of wacky, demonic weirdos, longtime fans of the franchise feel a particularly strong connection with the original netherworld and its three leads: the egotistical Prince Laharl, his snarky vassal Etna, and the do-gooding fallen angel Flonne. The great news is that Disgaea D2 delivers what fans have been eagerly awaiting--a continuation of the story of Laharl and friends--while also streamlining gameplay. The result is a tremendously fun strategy RPG that might just have you spending weeks on end building a demonic army worthy of any overlord.

Laharl has successfully obtained the title of netherworld overlord after his struggle against the forces of Earth and Celestia. That doesn't mean that things have calmed down at all, however. If anything, they've only gotten weirder. There's a faction of demons loyal to Laharl's late father that utterly refuse to recognize Laharl's new title and are causing trouble. There's Laharl's alleged little sister, Sicily, an angel who mails herself to the netherworld to try to take the title of overlord for herself. There's the bizarre transformation of the netherworld hellscape into a lush, flowery field, which also has the side effect of turning Laharl into a girl. And that's all just within the first few episodes.

The Disgaea series is known for its humorous slant, and while there is the occasional serious moment, Disgaea D2 sticks primarily to silliness. It's charming and clever, filled with delightfully weird moments and odd twists that put a smile on your face. It helps that the majority of the cast and settings have already been established, meaning there's less time spent telling us who these characters are and more time spent letting us enjoy the eventful daily lives of delightfully dysfunctional netherworld nobles. If you're looking for hardcore melodrama and cataclysmic events, you'd best look elsewhere; Disgaea has always valued goofiness over gravitas.

The story, however, is only a portion of Disgaea's decade-tested formula for success. Unlike most strategy RPGs, Disgaea actively encourages free-form play by opening up avenues for powering up your characters, skills, and gear to your heart's content. After a few hours, you can ignore the main plot for huge chunks of time and simply grind your demonic army up to absurd levels if you so please. The thrill of being able to build an incredibly powerful team capable of conquering the most obscenely difficult of optional quests is one of the series' biggest draws. The changes and additions to the core gameplay in Disgaea D2 result in a very fun experience for both newcomers and hardcore power levelers alike.

Combat is largely the same turn-based, grid-driven affair that you find in most strategy RPGs. You can attack, use special skills, use items, and so forth. Attacking a foe while surrounded by teammates, however, yields the possibility of a more damaging team attack with up to four characters, and attacking the same foe multiple times in rapid succession yields a damage boost. Player-controlled characters can also lift and throw allies, enemies, and certain objects to get a positioning advantage.

Those features are pretty standard for the series, but new to Disgaea D2 are mounted attacks and follow-up attacks based on characters' affinity for each other. The magichange system of Disgaea 3 and 4 has been replaced with a "mount" command that lets a humanoid character ride on a friendly monster unit. The monster handles movement and takes damage, while the human character does the attacking and uses skills (save for special mounted abilities requiring both characters). The mount system is very useful, allowing monsters to protect weaker characters while leveling and giving additional movement options. There are some drawbacks, though: mounted units can't throw other characters, and some skills are unusable while riding.

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