GS News - Microsoft says ‘Xbone‘ will stick

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013 | 15.06

I don't plan on buying either console (yet), I've got plenty of games that I haven't played yet on PS3, 360, and my main gaming beau, my PC. I'm always showing up fashionably late to the next gen eras anyway. Come to think of it I'd still like to play Red Dead Redemption, Dishonored, and The Last of us just to name a few. 

As far as the Xbone name sticking, I believe it will last the length of the systems life, or will most likely just resort to being referred to as just simply Xbox. I'm still leery about Microsoft (for reasons other than just the Xbox One.) So I'm just going to sit back and watch the fun/chaos.

Glad to see the microtransactions being disabled for GTA V online, but it's never been stated whether or not this is a temporary change or permanent. Either way GTA V's single player mode will or should be given a free pass on it's online fiasco considering how great the game is. Rockstar games always deliver.

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