Reality Check - Why Do We Love Video Game Music?

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Senin, 07 Oktober 2013 | 15.06

I wish that Cam talked more about the 'tune' aspect in the video rather than just adding it into the description. Because 'tunes' are what you call catchy, something you can whistle or hum to, and "Atmospheric Music" doesn't make the cut. Because of the limitations of older console sound chips, they didn't have an expansive set of instruments to work with at any one given time, which in result made the music very "Tune-Like."

Some people prefer atmospheric music, but when do you actually start whistling a tune in this? /watch?v=uamh1l_tmeI

My guess not until the 29 second mark, which only lasts for 26 seconds...
While a classic Tune, like the Overworld theme to Mario Bros. 1 is 1:19 long (Before looping) and the same pitches come back again (For music nerds, ABAC form.)

Point is that I'm not denying that nostalgia and familiarity play an important aspect, but there is a "Tune" aspect I think Cam never fully explored.

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