The Story That Chose David Cage - Beyond: Two Souls

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013 | 15.06

Sorry Cage but games are about game-play as well as characters and storytelling. If I'm mostly a passive viewer not a player then I'm not going to be interested in your game no matter how good your characters and or stories are because I'm not playing it.

And if you want to say "no one should be able to define what a video game is" then... Stop trying to. After all you keep coming out with this self important, self righteous, self opinionated, simplistic, artsy spiel about how games should be made a certain way (ie yours) or they're not "grown up" or meaningful and that sequels kill creativity or whatever in a series... Something that's demonstrably simplistic and wrong - Batman: Arkham, BioShock, Gears of War, God of War, Halo 3, Portal anyone?

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The Story That Chose David Cage - Beyond: Two Souls

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